Once upon a time . . .         

Gayle, GrandDaddy, David, and me.

With Mom

Dad in chair.
Me playing with hanger

Grandma Mita and Grandpa George


Tallest family on the block.

It's Christmas morning!

Easter Sunday

Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Gettysburg Memorial Battlefield


New York World's Fair 1964

~ Still growing ~

The Big Snow Day, January 26, 1967

Grandma Elsie and Grandpa Otto
Mom's Parents

Leo and Elsie

GrandDaddy, Mom, and David

A very young Mom with baby Gayle

Hot day at Santa's Village!
Middle for me, Gayle on right,
David behind her, Mom behind him.

My bedroom television
(that dresser's in our basement now)

Beth and I had the same lawn sprinkler.

~ Brothers are forever ~